Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Merry Christmas

I want a laptop. I want an Ever After High doll.  I want a camera.  I want a new hoodie.  I want Lego Friends.  

I need new shoes for choir.  I need new shoes for my soccer tournament.  I need skate guards for my figure skates.

Credit cards maxed.  Gifts opened.  Wrapping paper in the garbage.  Our souls spent and bloated from the gluttony of presents and food.  

Amidst all the things that were exchanged, my favourite gift this year was sitting down at a table with four generations of women and their families.  

Once the cognac and wine started to flow, so did the stories and laughter.

Stories spanned from 1940s Poland to 1970s South Korea to 2010s Abbotsford. Tears were shed in memories of lost friends and family.  Hardships were remembered of traveling abroad, not knowing a language, and being alone.  An old Polish folk song wishing long life and good health was sung to us by wispy voiced 86 year old Babcia.  A Korean love song was sung by my 60 something year old parents, the same song that they used to sing with each other when they were in their 30s, always together.  And then the little 6 year olds chimed in with their songs of Jeremiah, the Bullfrog and other jingly, Christmas songs.

In all this singing and clapping and cheering and crying and laughing, I know the children may never appreciate how precious this moment would be because it is fleeting.  But I hope that one day, they will rediscover this cherished moment and re-gift it to their children.  

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